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  • johnandjordiweaver


What if I had believed that I was created to be a mother?

What would it feel like to believe that nurturing was my main job? That having children wasn’t a roadblock in the way to my success as a high-powered business woman…

What if I believed that when God made Eve, He made woman in her perfection?

Chavvah, or Eve, means “life-giver.”

Is giving my life not enough?

Through the newborn nights of endless wakings and cryings and feedings,

Through the never ending laundry and dishes,

Through the dinners made and faces wiped and clothes changed...

Through my own womb, which brought life; my own breasts, that provided nourishment that no created formula can exact.

Is that not enough?

I’m beginning to believe it is.

The more I embrace womanhood by looking at Eve in the garden, the more fulfilled I am; the more the laundry and dishes and diapers and feedings become meaningful, glorious even.

What if I didn’t reject that I was created to be John’s “helper?”

What if I was HONORED to meet the needs that only I, his woman, can meet?

Ezer-kenegdo, or helper, is used many times in the Bible--once it is used to describe what woman is to man, and every other time it is used to describe God Himself, meeting our great needs. Never, does it imply weakness.

What if I rejected that I need to be more than a mother, a wife, and a daughter of God?

Well I am beginning to, friends, and something is beginning to wake up inside of me. Something like peace, like wholeness; something like abundant life.

What if I am not afraid to be feminine? In all it’s beauty and softness and loveliness and power? What if I let down my guard and let my touch be gentle?

What if, as a Christian, I rested in the Bible’s idea of femininity?

If there’s one thing I’m sure of, it is that walking in the way He designed us to walk will bring the most fulfillment, most wholeness, most blessing, and most nearness to Him.

And that is enough.

She was called “life-giver” before she ever brought literal life. She was called “the mother of all living things” before she ever gave birth. Did you catch that? It’s what we ARE: Life-givers.

I am a life-giver. Not only did God make me ENOUGH, but He made me abound so much in life, that just by accepting being me, I nurture, I protect, and I meet deep needs simply because I am woman; life-giver.

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