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Do I hate sin?

Updated: Jul 13, 2020

“Idols,” in my culture and in my life, are hard for me to recognize. Sometimes I have to ask myself, “Is my son an idol?”... and then reassure myself, “Nope! I’m supposed to focus largely on my family and home-life!” (see Titus 2) Is my entertainment an idol? “Well,” I justify to myself, “I need to stay relevant to reach people...I don’t DO any of the things I’m watching...I’m just tired at the end of the day and want to decompress…” And so on. So I take this to God’s word. The God I claim to live for, live because of, and even say that I’d die for. His instructions. In Romans chapter 1, we have this list of sins that includes murder, gossiping, sexual immorality, “ruthlessness” and many more. But listen to this, the Bible goes on to rebuke those who take pleasure in seeing others commit those sins. “Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.” So if I am taking pleasure in a show that focuses largely on a man who sleeps with a different woman each episode, or a woman who treats her husband like he’s an idiot, or a married man who turns around to gawk at the rear of another woman, or a teenager who constantly disrespects her parents and runs her home like a little tyrant, or a group of women who sit around having tea while gossiping, scheming and making eyes at the servant boy, or pool boy, or neighbor dude… And then I justify it by saying, “I need to stay relevant.” Why? So I know how to make eyes at another woman’s husband, and roll them at my own? How about, “I just need to decompress.” So I can fall asleep to a “romantic” show about passionate “love” affairs? Or laugh along with the rest of the world at how stupid husbands are? What a nuisance children are? How idiotic Christians are? I can’t find an excuse in God’s word to spend my time watching this sort of entertainment. And I refuse to do gymnastics with the scriptures to justify this Idol any longer. We have one life. ONE LIFE before we stand before Him. I want Him to say, “Well done. You spent your time wisely. You walked in the works I set out for you, with the grace I provided for you.” I doubt watching Poldark or even Parks and Rec have helped transform me into the woman God created me to be. In fact, I can tell you in a more personal setting, how watching that sort of media, has actually hurt my marriage in the past. And worse, my walk with Jesus. If I am willing to compromise my walk with the Lord by taking pleasure in sin, If I purposefully decide not to ask God, “Is it cool with you if I watch this show?” If I listen to music that brings me back to feeling the way I felt, with another man at another time, If I laugh at a woman slandering another woman, If I choose to dwell on what the Bible calls “sin”, which is exactly what I am dwelling on when I watch most shows these days, then I am NOT dwelling on things of the Lord And that’s when I’ve found myself an Idol. Close friends, I ask that you hold me accountable to my conviction here. I know we are all sensitive to different areas of media and I’ve listed ones that stand out to me. My prayer is that I would not take pleasure in ANYTHING that breaks God’s heart. If you’ve read this far, I’ll share how I’ve been spending my time differently! 1. John and I have been getting in bed and reading a marriage book “Cherish” by Gary Thomas. It has brought about deep discussions, a couple heated conversations, and a lot of fun… 2. By going to bed earlier (instead of watching TV) I wake up earlier, drink coffee, and read the Bible. It has been SOOOO life-giving. I just wish I could share everything I’m learning with you guys. 3. I started a journal for Josiah. My mom did this for her children too and some of my favorite memories growing up revolve around her reading “the diary” to us. It’s full of funny stories. For instance, this morning, I wrote about how yesterday Josiah said, “Bye, Buddy” to the guy who took our basket at Food 4 Less or how he accuses me of “pooping” when he farts. Little jerk. 4. Writing. In my prayer journal, on my computer, in Josiah’s journal. Bless you guys. Especially if you actually read this whole thing!

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